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So, i feel like my boyfriend is becoming too emotionally dependent on me. He always either needs reassurances or he gets angry at the smallest things. He once got sad because i said i won’t post corny reels with him on social media. He thought i was loving him less and I’m gonna leave him. Not only that, he thinks if I’m not pinning his comment on my posts I’m getting distant from him. Now, i love him the most and he’s my most favourite person in my entire world. But it’s also frustrating to deal with something like this all the time. I don’t know how to reassure him anymore. I’m an introvert and so i need my personal space. Ip I feel he’s invading it. I’d tell him but i fear he’s gonna overthink that too and feel I’m going away from him. I don’t know, i love him a lot but i just don’t know how to make him believe that. I feel every effort that i make goes into vain because the next thing he does is ask my reassurance, which I’m happy to give as long as it’s for a valid reason, and i don’t think not willing to share my password is one of them. How do i tell him that i need my own space without him getting hurt?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @onedream
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Your boyfriend is overpossesive. Talk to him and clear everything that will make things better it’s a part of relationship where your partner feels insecure as he/she is serious in you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @onedream

OneDream @onedream

I can’t say I know your boyfriend, his thought or reasons cause, I don’t, but I will say that it’s best for you to tell him how you feel about him and his insecurities. Be honest with him and tell him exactly what you like and dislike. Its ultimately the best way to solve this problem, but then again, it may be pressuring to do so without hurting his feelings. You have to either directly tell him through a conversation or through a text if it helps you calm down? Idk, preferably the first, in the end it’s your choice


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