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So I don’t know what to do, I’m an 11 year girl, and I’m trying to figure out whether I’m lesbian or not. I’ve never had a crush before so I don’t know what it feels like, can anyone help?

5 replies

hey you are too young to get to understand emotions and feelings.
So don’t step into things quickly. you will understand slowly.


Only physical attraction


Do what you like. Feel what YOU like. Don’t get tangled with whether you are a lesbian or not. If you try to figure out life, you won’t be able to live it. Believe me when I say this - everything you think or do is OKAY. Nothing is right or wrong. We make decisions which we think are the best at the moment even if they turn out bad. In short, don’t think much, live…


okay so first, i was very young when i started to question my sexuality. i grew up with a lot a gay uncles and a lesbian aunt. so anyways, i remember i first started to question it by seeing megan fox in fucking transformers haha. because i knew you could be with the same sex because i obvi grew up with it. i remember i was at a slumber party and we were all playing truth or dare, as one does when you’re around friends. so i got dared to kiss of my friends who were female. as one does for shits and giggles, i did. now i started to question anything about my sexuality i was about 12. yes this is scary to try and figure these things out, and even by yourself. i would try to talk to someone, mainly someone you trust about this topic. now, its okay if you feel attracted to more then one gender. theres other sexuality such as bisexuality, pan sexual, polysexual and much more. it doesn’t matter, you’re also at a very sensitive age right now. you’re body is gonna start changing, you’re literally going puberty. but you’re not gonna figure you’re sexuality like right this moment. so you’re gonna struggle for a min. it’s also gonna fucking suck. i thought i was just straight out lesbian, then i even questioned my gender, then i become comfortable with just being bisexual. now i am just me, i don’t like to label much so i just love who i love. but when you know you know. but you will struggle, not saying everyone did. but majority does. i know i did. anyways i am 18 now and i just know. it took me about 7 years to ‘‘really’’ figure it out. hope this helps :)
also no matter what anyone says, you love who you love and you be WHO YOU ARE.
please remember to stay hydrated and love yourself <3


Oh babe, you are way too young for that, and way too young to be on this site. Don’t box yourself in a label this early. Remember gender amd love are fluid🤷🏻‍♀️. Live your life and you will get answers down the road.


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