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So i dont know should i continue this or end this. This person whom i know since 3 months we had an urguement today. She is like i have to focus on my career and I cant talk to You Whole day You have to understand and all… But further she is like lets end this You wont understand and All   Today Whole Day she didnt texted me. Called me just an hourr before and talked as if she is forced to talk to Me. I dont know what should i do. Should I hang on or Just move on. Her words have hurted me badly and I have felt bad.  she doesnt care i think and her behaviour changes sometimes.

5 replies

rohith gb @rhith

I was in your exact same position a few months ago I decided to confront her and stuff we tried to keep it going but it’s impossible it’s easier to hold on but my advice let go the longer it goes on the more painful it’s gonna be


Yaaa I guess it wont be as it was before from my end too. Should I end it

rohith gb @rhith

My advice is you should it’s just gonna hurt you more and more as time goes on you’ll have moments where you feel like it’s gonna go on forever or even she’ll promise you she’ll never leave you and stuff but you never know what’s gonna happen next in my case she left me but if you wanna hold on and try to fix it you can but it’s gonna hurt

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Okay got it


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