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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

So I am in college…being alone hurts a lot…I have no friends whom I can rely on…I always manage everything on my own but this time it’s something that is hurting…One of my classmates is growing super toxic for me. She is the one I spent in the 1st month of my college life, which has given me a lot of trauma…I am not able to connect with anyone in my class because of her… It is so traumatic I am not able to make friends and I developed social anxiety…She is still in my life for the past 6 months, I tried to cut her off from my life many times but still she shows up every time…she comments on the dress I wear…she wants to make sure that everyone in my class gets to know that I am dumb…She wants all the attention and she really makes me feel so bad…I want to handle this matter maturely by talking to her about this but she is so immature that I know how she will handle this…And I don’t want to make her against me as well…not by the fact that she got so many people to support her…but I choose not to waste my energy on her…We will be classmates for the next 3 years so that’s the reason as well…

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If you try to confront a narcissist it’s only going to backfire. Given that she’s attention seeking she might go around talking shit about you.
I’d say the best is to ignore her. When you stop giving them attention and focus on your own growth, that’s when their supply is cut. You are doing a smart thing by not wasting your time on her. Make your life so amazing that her presence doesn’t impact you. Of course it’s much difficult to implement since you’re classmates. But give it a shot.
Just know that you got yourself. No matter what she speaks in public, people always find out the truth and stay with the ones that have a kind heart. You are a good person and you need to have faith in yourself. All the best mate. 🙌🏻


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