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3am ThoughtsThought


So i am confused…my boyfriend and i are from different caste, nd i know he will try to make his parents agree for marriage when right time comes but still i doubt what if his parents don’t agree wht he will do, isn’t it too risky to wait for someone this way , i can better marry someone my parents will select everyone will be happy but what if i don’t ever love that other person as much as i love my boyfriend, it will be wrong to the other person , and currently I don’t even know how to breakup and should I breakup or take the risk and wait what life holds for us in future, what would u do if u were in my situation.

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I knw my parents will agree i am just confused about his…but yeahh u r right i should give this a chance

nitin khalkho @toughguy

No girl … give him a fighting chance ., I faced the same … i was the guy just like ur partner . But she dumped for same reason . Trust me it hurts a lot. I also wished she could stand beside me . But she didnt even give chance . … atleast even if parents dont agree. U know he was the right guy to love and in his story u will also be a good memory.


Yeahh i don’t want to hurt him that is one of the reasons i am confused

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Life is a mess. You will always feel confused about everything. And it is really okay to feel this way. Because you value many things in life. And it becomes messed up when you try to co-relate everything. But never compromise on what your heart wants. It might seem wrong to the others. But it’s your life. No matter what decision you make, you are the one who gonna live with it, not them. And to be frank, the choices that you make might not be right all the time. But it’s okay to make wrong choices too. Because it’s your damn life. So just listen to your heart.

P.S : Everyone’s life over here is messed up. No one makes a perfect choice for themselves.


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