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So here is something i need advice about.
there was this girl in my school whom i liked but she didn’t like me back,typical scenario,but in my case she was and is my best friend.
we share everything with each other and i have accepted the fact that she doesn’t like me back and doesn’t look at me that way.
i had the option of choosing the same college as her but didn’t opt for that and chose a different college in different city
So the problem now i am facing is that she left my city for college and even my college has begun in different city,everytime i talk to her or see pics of her enjoying in her college that makes me regret everything about my college decision and makes me even doubt my career decisions .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ynp
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ynp

Yamini Mehta @ynp

I think you have made the right decision. Because choosing a career or college because of someone especially because of a girl is a very amateur move. Also, you know that girl is not into you.
And career matters a lot more than you think. And if destiny is decided then that girl comes into your life even when you are not expecting it. And if she does not come then there is someone way better than her who will come into your life automatically.
First focus on yourself, love yourself for who you are and give time to the situation.


thankyou so much
needed to hear that!

Soul @soul_j

What feels questionable today will not bother you after a while as you are in a new environment. It will take time for you to adjust. But just think about yourself. She didn’t liked you at all then what was the point of shifting your career decisions because of a person who doesn’t like you back. I am sure you’ll find someone where you are right now. Don’t regret your decisions. Give yourself some time, hangout with new people. Find things that makes you happy


Thankyou so much
really helped!

Simran Singh @simmi_05

Focus on your career…and if possible stop seeing her photos. It help you to forget her and focus on your career


Very right
thank you so much, appreciated!


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