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So from a few months, i have been feeling too done with everything. Have worked my best in studies but am still studying and it’s just wont finish. It feels like i am a numb human now, don’t feel anything. Also everything seems worthless. Can’t answer anything even if i am asked what are my hobbies. Nothing excites me. Don’t want to get up in the morning or evening or night. What is wrong with me? Also have tried a lot of schedules and routines but nothing seems to make me happy.
P.s i was never like this. It is just not me

6 replies

Do nothing don’t try to make everything perfect just explore things that makes you smile or feel relieved…try evening walks or painting (it doesn’t need to be perfect) just draw ur feelings like a baby… a baby knows nothing but do everything…be a baby


I did try this technique to explore but it did not work out. One day it was fine and the other day my body just stopped.

Vikash Sharma @introvik

I am in the same situation right now

shivani @jkbabygrl

It’s ok to feel like this of you are exhausted then try talking to a close friend…they might not help but will definitely lighten your mood

Kanh @ajnabidost

In exam when we are not prepare we feel like this because of try to study with little task .don’t think it’s last things to do …


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