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So demotivated right now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadsoul
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chnrv
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadsoul

Jazz @thesadsoul

Follow Gaurgopal das. Try spirituality… everything happens for a reason… We may not know why but there’s always is a reason. Never ever lose hope… Have faith in God . He is just making u strong… this too shall pass… m trying spirituality… its helping me…i listen to Kathas(stories of Gods) waheguru meditation sound… whenever u feel sad try jaap or simran whatever u know… God will do good to u trust me… stop overthinking… this too shall pass… Try following motivational speakers… when ur feed will b full of positive posts u’ll feel motiVated…


Why buddy? Would you like to talk about it?


I just dont know nothing seems tobe working . I feel like I’m just at the same place where I was 2 years ago. I feel like whatever I do is not enough


I cannot concentrate that makes me furious


I know I don’t know you, but I promise you, you’re definitely not in the same place you were in, 2 years ago. I know because I can see how you’re introspecting and coming to this conclusion. That my friend, is growth 🥰 so I’m so proud of you for that, number 1.
Second, now that we have the diagnosis, we can come up with a plan. If you’d like to exaggerate a little, maybe that could help us more but anyway, have you tried meditation? It definitely improves focus. Or even working out or setting a timetable or honestly, even taking a little break might help you improve efficiency.


Whatever it is, know that you’re not alone and honestly, I feel the same way. Maybe it’s the pandemic or just the depressing news all around us. Who knows? But please dont beat yourself over it. You’re trying your best and that’s definitely an accomplishment. Whatever’s meant for you will happen in it’s own time and I wish you the patience and the perseverance for that. Whatever it is you’ll get through it and we’re all here if you wanna talk about it ❤
Much power to you xx

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chnrv

chnrv @chnrv

But why are you demotivated?


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