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3am ThoughtsThought


So basically, at my girlfriend’s birthday party, back in feb’21, my girlfriend was sitting on her bestfriend’s lap while I was busy doing all the birthday chores for her friends. I felt disrespected. In the same party, we were sitting and a discussion came up about kissing. And my gf said to her bestfriend, “ aaja karle mera banda kuchni kahega.” I know that nothing would’ve happened but I still felt disrespected. She says that he is like her brother.
Again at another party, one of her other bestfriends(guy) was sitting on her lap. I felt bad yet again.
I told her everything and she is sorry for that but these things, these images can’t be erased.
Should I breakup?
Because I’ve been overthinking about stuff a lot.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @snktmore
29 replies
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I love her. Idk. I’m confused.

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Ew, why would you sit in you friend or your best friends lap anyways


Idk, she said that she was like this with her bestfriends since years…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @snktmore

Sanket More @snktmore

Read your complete thread, as I understand you both have already addressed the elephant in the room.

Now, tha you both are on the same page, you should try and move on from the incidences because she seems to have bold personality and her intention were never to hurt you.

You should give her fair chance and get over with it overthinking will create unwanted problems and sour your relationship. Consider it as your relationship is growing and many more shades will open up until both will be truly madly in love.

Have a good life and relax!!


This comment gave me relief.
I’ve tried to move past these incidences, and it’s been 8 months, I still have those things in mind. I’m an extreme overthinker. I trust her that she won’t cheat on me, i never stopped her from anything, I don’t have the right to do so. It’s just that the “lap” thing was a bit too much for me.


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