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3am ThoughtsThought


Slight rant time (?) but,

why is adulthood supposed to be this sad blob of life where you’re just supposed to work, and be responsible & have routines and function?? like, why can’t you still be a fun person and do the things you like without being guilted or judged?

everything that comes along with adulthood is at times so anxiety-inducing because it is a vast reality that we know nothing of, and a lot of adults just seem so sad lmao like, who decided to make this the norm? why do adults have to do adult things & why is not okay for us to have a bit of fun every once in a while without thinking ot consequences (?)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thatshady_guy
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dilflovernate
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhritrashtra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @himmanav
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @thatshady_guy

tushh @thatshady_guy

im afraid to say this… but what you’re experiencing might be somewhat a reality that is self created… you might be just way too self conscious to break free of these shackles of your own creation

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dilflovernate

naomi @dilflovernate

God I’m in college and honestly relate. It’s so terrifying how we’re just expected to go forth and the consequences of failure are so terrifying.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhritrashtra

Harry @dhritrashtra

My POV for adulthood is not solely responsibilities but all the perks and curses that come along. The burden of sustaining out in the society with certain stereotypes is the thing which need to be handled. You are responsible not just for you but for all the associates along with you, by your decisions…
Emotionally, adulthood is also a sign of ageing and loosing days. Gone those lively naive days where there was nothing to worry but our beloved were responsible for all the happenings and now we replaced them.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himmanav

Vaibhav @himmanav

100 % agreed. Although there can be many explanations for this, but if ‘adult’ the word itself, means getting better and more sensible with time, then i guess all the decisions like getting into relationships, marriage, and career-related decisions should be well thought out on the basis of the incidents that actually gave rise to our adulthood. And if we actually do so, then I really can’t think that adulthood will be so dreadful. There will be mistakes and the times will be bad as decisions are not right or wrong in themselves, but time tells us what went wrong and when and why, but then at that time, if we think these things are the only things making us ‘adult’, then those moments will also become calm and happier. Am I right?


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