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Should I just ghost him and move on or should I be patient and stop overthinking…but then If it was real love I wouldn’t be overthinking or having thoughts of leaving him right!!!

12 replies

😐maybe speak out everything n discuss or if u ghosting just drop few hints before


If he really cared, you won’t be in this position overthinking about your situation with him. It is hard but I will suggest to stop thinking about him and you both and move on. Cut the contact.


I have tried to like so many times I’ve told him that u can’t give me the time I want so let’s cut off but he always manipulates me into his cute talks and I end u staying…like right now he’s at this event and it’s been like 4 hours since he texted but it shows that he’s been active but didn’t text!


So you know it right there, he is careless and not taking you seriously. If a person really loves you they will put a constant effort not just only when they want to . Kick him out. Be bold move on !


That’s what I want to do but he always ends up coming back…saying just give him time and he will fix everything saying how we r meant to be and just go with the flow. Like we meet like once a week for one hour in person and like I tell him that it isn’t enough but he’s like just be patient like I will make time for u like we text everyday but still also he talks to hella girls idk probably in friendly way but he does


Take a break. Just cut the contact. Divert your mind.


I so want to but it’s easier said than done because if I try to ignore him I’ll be thinking about him more and won’t be able to focus I’ll like keep Checking whether he texted or not


I know it’s hard but no point of staying in something where you are stressing more. It’s not impossible you just need to make your mind and divert watch netflix


Yes I will try! Thank you so much for listening!


Been through alot in my life too and app like this never existed. I am here you can always text happy to help


Aww it’s okay everything ends up working out always! Also do u have any social I would love to be ur friend?


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