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Should I feel guilty if I hooked up with someone even though I’ve broken up last week ? Will this stop him from coming back to me ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23

Mr.Vamshi Goud @vamshi23

I didn’t understood


Breakups could be rough, rebound and hookups are more of coping mechanism, this could bring forth either guilt or liberty. In your case you sound a little guilty. You didn’t specifically mention the reason of your breakup so idk the possibilities of patch up, but that’s your call to make. There are different ways in which couples comprehend infidelity. Physical intimacy for someone people might not be an issue, but that solely depends on your partner and the way he perceive the situation and your relationship. If he denies you doesn’t mean that he’s sincere and if he accepts doesn’t mean it’s casual. These things are personal preferences. But after breakup, you should be in control of the decision to go back or not go back with your ex. That’s your call to make.




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