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3am ThoughtsThought


She left me 4 months ago till last 10 days i begged her to stay with me. But finally she said she dont like me after 4 years relation
Its ok from last 4 months i am suffering mentally she was in my dreams daily disturbing me. I am not talking with her from 10 days but her dreams killing me …any remedies and solution for this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @laviii
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @laviii

B @laviii

What you think is what you dream of mostly, ik it’s hard to not think about it, but just try to do things that make you happy


I did every thing but i am acting like everything is fine …when i went to sleep dreams are very painful and i dont know when im in work i was getting thoughts about her

Profile picture for Now&Me member @laviii

B @laviii

Ik that happens, you have been with her, you have feelings for her, it will take time, I’ll not advice you to stay busy to avoid the thoughts, coz some or the other day you have to feel it process it and accept it that you have to move onn, don’t rush ok?


I cant get but how does she forget me how could she take me so easy💔 any remedies to forget everything literally from last 4 months i was im mental depression i dont know how to overcome but atleast for her hapiness i stopped talking from last 10 days …suggest me anything to forget those memories are so big i cant even delete them and i cant even keep in my head

Profile picture for Now&Me member @laviii

B @laviii

You can’t delete all the memories, but you can accept the fact that you are no more together, you deserve so much better in life everyone does, don’t be stuck at a place, don’t give anyone the power (key) to operate you, if she’s not with you you’re not happy right? This is like being a toy she operates you, please don’t do that, try tondo things you love, go for a walk, trust god he has planned something better for you, he did all this for a reason understand that


Waiting for that day when everything was normal and i ll make smile everyone like previously and ill smile

Profile picture for Now&Me member @laviii

B @laviii

You have to get that day and make the best out of this pain


Thank you😀


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