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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wizerd

wiz @wizerd

she cuts her wrist,
for an unknown reason,
she wants to feel pain
even she is not numb,
she knows
she has pain.

but, she can’t find where,
so, she cuts herself.

I hope
someone can be
her rest soon;
who will never let her
wrist bleed again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raj1403
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dreamy_
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @raj1403

Raj Chauhan @raj1403

A person who doesn’t love and respect herself enough will never find a person who could Love her in reality.

Please understand in the given times, people don’t wish to be with someone who needs to be corrected all the time, who needs to be always be protected from cutting herself.

Be a happy person, emit positive vibes, happiness is contagious.

Also please don’t think a very nice man will be solution to all your miseries.
This is biggest myth .

Love is just a part of life.
Yes it can fill you with positivity and rejuvenate you but it doesn’t necessarily mean love will be an answer to all the problems.

No same man would want to be with someone who keeps chopping her veins.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dreamy_


Hey, don’t do that to yourself. And don’t suffer alone. Reach out to someone. You will find your peace someday. I wish you heal from all the hurts. ❤️‍🩹


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