Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Sansthita @sansthita

Sending love and hugs to everyone who’s feeling tired today and feels like crying. It’s okay my darlings. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to bury your face in the pillow and cry all night. I know you feel a deep void in your heart and sometimes it gets too much. But it’s okay. We are in this together. We have got this and we will win this. Love and hugs!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @grimes
38 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @grimes

Rick @grimes

When is this all gonna end?😭😣

Sansthita @sansthita

Amen it will soon end



Sansthita @sansthita

Till then here are some good vibes from my end to.yours!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @grimes

Rick @grimes

How you holding up?

Sansthita @sansthita

I am okay. I hope you find peace too!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @grimes

Rick @grimes


Sansthita @sansthita

Hope is a powerful thing. Never give up on it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @grimes

Rick @grimes

Sometimes hope can drives a man insane🚶‍♂️

Sansthita @sansthita

And sometimes it keeps us sane. Sending love at u!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @grimes

Rick @grimes




Sansthita @sansthita

Sending hugs!



Sansthita @sansthita



Thanks was in a good mood but this person spamming with all gods post’s and songs etc has ruined my mood.
Not against God or anything but these spams oh come on.

Sansthita @sansthita

Spammers are irritating. I feel u.


How do you manage to do all this? #expert life

Sansthita @sansthita

Baas ho jata hai


Can I learn this skill as well?

Sansthita @sansthita

Just try to feel what people are going through. Baaki sab ho jaayega apne aap


Yes I try to put myself in their shoes and think like that. Can you tell any key words to search on yt to learn more.


Or books whatever you know

Sansthita @sansthita

You can try looking up on the internet for building empathy


It comes naturally to you?

Sansthita @sansthita

Tbh yeah 😅😅😅. Never learnt it as such. It was just there


I can relate too but I struggle to express it. I wish to reach there someday too

Sansthita @sansthita

Amen you will

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Sansthita @sansthita

Glad that you got what you were craving. I wish you positivity and luck! Sending sparkles of love at u!

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Sansthita @sansthita

Okay so more love for you! I hope you sleep with a smile on your face and wake up smiling!

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Sansthita @sansthita

Didn’t get this 🥺🥺

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Sansthita @sansthita



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