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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17

“Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to the point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life. Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.”

Profile picture for Now&Me member @freedom4all
Profile picture for Now&Me member @makatza
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @freedom4all

Gina Webber @freedom4all

What a piece of strong advise. Nothing should come in between your happiness for any cost. Happiness is the key to freedom we clamoring but hard to see

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17


Profile picture for Now&Me member @makatza

aadira @makatza

Well said!!

Abid Raza @raza_khan97

Awesome piece of advice.
If only we know that it’s not any external factor that makes us feel sad or depressed but our own perception of it. So, to change the way we feel, we only need to change our thinking.
And to change our thinking we must first be aware of our thoughts. And to achieve that we must look into our own self.

As the quote goes:
One who looks around him is intelligent, one who looks within him is wise.

Crave for intelligence but at the same time be hungry for Wisdom.


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