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3am ThoughtsThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Miss Scar @jenny16

Seems like the more I care about everyone’s happiness I make them more irritated… Maybe the way is wrong or the person… Frankly speaking I don’t know 😞

5 replies

From my experience I know we love ppl alot so we always want to be around them and help them but sometimes they don’t need help and they need their space so it’s okay to give it their space to heal , I know we always wanted to be around them but we can’t force when they will need u be there best luck ♥️

Miss Scar @jenny16

Thx for saying that and helping me get over the thinking… U are right people do need space as we need it too… 💝


I know it sucks I have gone through it , craving of being constantly around them and it hurts when they don’t understand so chill I’m victim too and I’m learning even after being doctor

Miss Scar @jenny16

Oo i see thx for saying that


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