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Saw her after 4 years She looked at me for 5 minutes straight and within that time It felt like she was trying to recognise me!
I mean we spent 3 years together Tons of memories just vanished like thanos snapped finger! Weird!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @princessruh
Profile picture for Now&Me member @disheveled
10 replies

Tanesha Das @tanesha

Tbh never expected that kind of pain but you know what there is much bigger pain than that she just spend 4 years with you just think of a child whn she came to know that her father was having an affair whn she was born and till now having it she lost her father 15 years of relationship soo… I guess it hurts more than that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @disheveled

Mrinal @disheveled

Ugh I have seen my friend going through this and I have seen him suffer till this date been aprox 12 years.

Tanesha Das @tanesha

Yahh i can understand the feelings don’t leave him alone please… He will always need you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @disheveled

Mrinal @disheveled

He’s my childhood friend we have done alot of kand together so I got his back!

Syed munaver. @vijqy

Yes, I know that feelings. I was spent trying to talk with my girlfriend in 4 yrs


The pain bruh!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @princessruh

Ruchi Sehgal @princessruh

Such is life, people have Tendency to switch their emotions from one person to another in a jiffy!


Teah dot the taste of this weird phenomena recently!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @princessruh

Ruchi Sehgal @princessruh

I am too going through something similar and I believe some people are conditioned to be more practical than emotional, while we, the ones discussing here are the latter ones!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @disheveled

Mrinal @disheveled

I’d suggest get yourself a puppy helps alot although I lost my pupper last December.


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