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Said a full and final bye to my boyfriend from past 3 years. It is hard than I thiught it would be. I have no hate feelings for him. It just did not work out for us. But he wasn’t ready to accept that it isn’t working. I had to cut things off because it was a lot to take in for both of us and I could see that. He must be very angry and mad at me. but I think it was best for both of us. Idk what exactly to say though, i just wish him lots of peace, love and healing in life always 🙃❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @murat_19
3 replies

More strength to you ❤️ All the best for your future.


Thank you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @murat_19

Murat @murat_19

Love is built not found …it might have worked… anyways i hope you don’t regret losing him.peace and healing to you.


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