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I’m super sad that i liked a girl and she liked me back but one fine day she acted like nothing ever happened between us and told there can be no “us” in the future and now flirts with every guy she sees i really thought she was the one. But then again when i try to move on and almost there she comes back flirts and never lets me forget all of it . Worst part i see her everyday and we used to hold hands in public now we hardly say hi . Please help me outta this one I’m so done with all this .

2 replies

You gotta talk to her about this. Tell her that she being around you and flirting with you like nothing happened is not doing you any good. Tell her you are getting hurt with her hot and cold behaviour.
Honestly, you deserve better. And if you wanna move on, you gotta out her away as much as you can. Don’t let her in.
Ignore her man. Look away when you see her. You gotta heal. Don’t fight the emotions.
Feel them all till you cant anymore. You’ll be ok.
Sending you love❤️


Sometimes it better to let someone go.


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