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Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody

Right now my cat is in my arms purring and idk what else can be this calming and peaceful and safe for both of us literally two months ago she is a month baby roaming on roads i can’t imagine that again. I’m so lucky to have her today her name is Chocolate ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @farhanshaikh
Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody
21 replies

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

im assuming you’re on your phone… my cat wont let me reach for the keyboard without judging my love for him. plus he sheds… gets stuck in my beard… blowing out puffs of air from my nose, trying to type, quinting at the tickles, being judged by this overcompensating judging furball that requires me to survive… wouldnt change it for the world… maybe the shedding thing… but… you kno… cats…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody

Hahah yeah I understand that i don’t have a beard tho but yeah i can imagine…the look they give when lifting our hand off them even my mother can’t give me those expressions eh fur…we can’t do much 🤣 we love the flufff

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

well if you keep at it, one day you can have a beard just like grandma. eat your broccoli and the crust off your sandwhiches.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody

Haha a great picture of my future 😻

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

laser removal will be much more safe and cost appropriate by then, there’s hope

Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody

…uh maybe we went another road somewhere in the middle of comments 🤣 i will be a grandma with no beard but will still eat crust and be with a cat

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

Its all nonsense anyways so its all good lol. I had like 18 replies get approved, i forget context over time lol. Idk if its because quantity implying spam or if im just that risky… got approved. Ill just be happy about that lol. And your hairless old future face

Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody

🤣🤣🤣🤣okay okay I understand it does sometimes go to approval without reason whatever I’m laughing at your reply early in the mrng so nthng matters

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

Lol hey, ya never kno whats going to help. Alrhough i dont know if i need encouragement

jose @mariya143

I have a cat too… I can connect with your words and feelings… It’s impossible to explain the way I feel with my cat…she is the cutest When she is sleeping… All her actions and everything…its is so calming to have cat… She is really my stress buster… Her name is Tokyo❤

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

does she drift when she misses your lap? the tires are supposed to squeal but i find it is me that has the claw in the inner thigh…

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

-_- horrible tokyo joke, idk… im sorry, i witnessed it with you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @strangernobody

Aww Tokyo✨ sounds badass as all cats are.
And the cuteness when they’re sleeping we would die for

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

… like children

jose @mariya143

Yesss… You are right


this is why i’m 100% a cat person. i love my cat so much <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @strangernobody

Yess ❤️

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @farhanshaikh

leo @farhanshaikh

I have 2 cats and this pair gave birth to 3 kittens
Ik that feeling ✨✨

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @strangernobody

Awww family of five😻😻😻😻😻

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @farhanshaikh

leo @farhanshaikh

Yeah 🐈‍⬛🐈


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