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Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

Right now I’m at a friends house and we’re playing a silly game, but it’s fun because I’m actually having fun and genuinely laughing <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_
16 replies

I’m glad for you.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

Thank you!


Wanna share about the game.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

Oh it’s just a silly/childish game. You just take a cup and a few pencils, and you throw a pen every time you say something. Like if you say “I’m going to be rich” and you throw the pen, or it lands in the cup which means yes, or it doesn’t land in the cup and that means no.

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I took time to sleep and started to see dreams.
It started with me travelling alone ,meeting old good friends and then met a old toxic friend and that’s when I woke up.

Listen,I need to chat with you and you were not the toxic one,i realised it later that it came out in that way .
You know I can never think about anything but a noble soul.


We need to communicate more,would it be too much too ask.


It’s again a confusion.
Just to clarify the person I met in dreams was not you.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

Huh… I don’t get your whole point? Sorry


You know,the little things which makes you happy we do means the same for the other person .
The little where abouts ,emotions fills someone’s heart and gives them trust.


That’s so nice!


Listen, would it be too much to ask you to help untangle myself first.
It’s like if we like talking with each other, we need to know each other’s emotions and daily where and how abouts .
We could do in some personal chat or with an unique identification.
We don’t wanna clutter up anymore reading other msgs puzzling it to be each other’s.

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It’s like if one of us tells you that my eyes are swollen and they should only say it if they really mean it.
We won’t let our emotions to be taken any easy so that any third person thinks that we are doing to gain attention.

And this is majorly the reason ,people are introvert.
They are compassionate and value emotions.
And to be honest is there a point of letting people aware about our emotions to let them make a mockery out of it.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @_someone_

Thank you! ^^


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