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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

Right now i just want to melt in someone’s arms…cry myself out… enough of being strong…i just can’t take this anymore

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112
21 replies

O @ocie

Being strong takes a lot of energy out of people at some point it just becomes all to much and it al burst out… if u wanna talk im here☺️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

Was i not good enough i gave my everything in the relationship…i cut my ties with all friends just because of her…most of my friends were double dating…but i never thought of something like this…but in the end i turned out to be just a backup for her

O @ocie

Some people are just dicks. Male or female. Nobody deserves to get trwated rhis way… im sorry you did.🥺

O @ocie

And you are enough. Whoever you were with was just to blind to see it. Never doubt your self worth you only hurt yourself by doing that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

I literally can’t stop crying right now…my heart is so heavy right now…i introduced her to my family…now whenever my mom ask me about her, i don’t know what to say

O @ocie

Tell her the truth… its hard but its the truth… the longer you hide it from her the more it’s gonna hurt…
I believe in you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

I don’t want my mom to hate her…i always fought for her with everyone…one time i get to know that her friends are abusing me in front of her and she did nothing…still i said nothing

O @ocie

Thats her fault and her loss, you deserve better and i bet your mom will understand. Your mom wont hate her just strongly dislike her, you need to stop giving your all to someone who wont to the same for you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

Thank you so much i feel lighter right now…💓

O @ocie

Im glad i could help you☺️ im just a message away if u need me you can add me to connections if you want to talk more or if u ever need to im open to helping anyone really

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

💓 thanks a big hug to you…if there are people like her than there are plenty of good souls like you also…i am feeling good right now 🤗

O @ocie

Im happy to read that. Im here if u ever need to talk



Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112



Giving just warm hug


I know its hard, I can COMPLETELY understand. We’ve all had breakups where we unconditionally loved the person but they left us anyway. I know it’s hard right now, but BELIEVE ME, it’s all going to be okay very soon. One day, you’ll wake up and you’ll realize that whatever happened, happened for a reason and that you’re better off without the person who hurt you sm and didnt even value you. Hold on. You’re going to find someone who will cherish you and never leave your side. Sending tight virtual hugssss

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

Thank you so much 💕…i will get through this


Yesss kinggg, you got this :D
I hope you’re feeling better?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

Yes feeling better right now 🫂


Great! We’re here for youuu

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nile_2112

IDK @nile_2112

Thanks i love this community ❤️


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