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Recently I joined clubhouse. And people say it’s mostly for the extroverts. I just thought of giving it a try as well. I was very confident about myself much before using it. But I guess, seeing people there, how smart and how well they can communicate made me lowered my confidence.
Right now I feel I am an introvert. And maybe that’s the reason why guys don’t like me. It’s actually very sadening

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
12 replies

Being an introvert is a gift. To be honest, introverts are the smartest people than extroverts. They may be good at communicating but not at all things.


I don’t know what clubhouse is, but we always see the beauty in others. It’s very hard to see good things about yourself, but you have good things too! Sometimes guys don’t dare to make the first move tho :)


Don’t look at yourself from others perspective or with respect to someone else. Everyone is unique. There’s no base to compare. Instead love yourself the way you are. Being extrovert or introvert are all a matter of time, space and people. Be the person you are. Accept yourself the way you are. If you won’t accept, love and respect yourself, then no one else ever would. It should not matter to you whether someone likes you or not. It’s their look out. Don’t blame or change yourself for others.


If you’re an introvert, how is that a problem? Why do you think guys won’t like you if you’re an introvert?


Idk maybe I just feel it. So guys don’t talk to me on clubhouse so I probably thought maybe it has to do something with my voice or me being introvert


That’s just a virtual space. Why do you want their approval?


Would you tell the same when I am crushing on this guy and get no response even though I put efforts? 🙊


I would ask you to question your relationship with someone. If you’re putting in the effort and have been open about your feelings and don’t get a response then you know your answer. If they respect your feelings and reciprocate you know it too 😊


But it has nothing to do with you being an introvert or a problem with your personality.


So I was crushing on this guy on omegle. That’s who I was talking about. I think he doesn’t have an interest on me either cuz of my voice or my personality


Thank you guys for your replies. I guess I am all charged up again :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

I joined ch two days back and I am there just listening to stuff and man that place is next level there’s to much to explore out there
I am waiting for the right time to open up
I think you should enjoy being out there listening to stories playing out some game
It’s fun


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