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3am ThoughtsThought


really torn apart to choose one thing but I am getting stuck again and again.
My exams are coming up and that means studying and cramming shit but I also want to take care of myself by eating right and sleeping on time but it is so hard to balance that during exam season
Any suggestions or tips?

7 replies

I think u should take care exams first. If it’s not risky u can eat and sleep a bit unhealthy until the exams is over. When the exams is done, just start to take care of yourself(don’t forget your mental health too) , with this way you will relaxed with the thought that you gave your 100%.

Why @whyamihere

Ok just no….


right, because it is so f-in easy to burn out without any limits and it’s even harder to come out of it and I want to keep myself healthy because this year is going to eventful and pretty crazy


I’m sorry that i can’t help you but i can’t do it myself either:(


oh, no worries. See the thing is I totally get why you told me to prioritise grades and honestly who wouldn’t like good grades. school has left me all so conscious now and thanks to them we don’t learn these crucial life skills. I am position where I am literally trying to please teachers but can’t anymore because of mental health

Why @whyamihere

If it gets really bad ask someone to give you a call once in a while to ensure you take breaks
In a world of technology set alarms reminders.
And eat something easy to cook but healthy. Obviously Maggi is bae but not survival food. So like a sandwich or god knows what not.
And set a time daily … after this time I will not study no matter what the day ends here


Make a plan and STICK TO IT. It’s perfectly possible to study hard, score well and also thrive psychologically. I did it, so can you 💅


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