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Anger IssuesThought



If the mother and adult daughter aren’t seeing eye to eye , and the mother and daughter haven’t conversed in 2 weeks, who is more at fault? The mother or the daughter?

I feel that as a mother, they should always be willing to make sure their children are okay. Especially if they know their daughter is struggling mentally. I also know that expectations should only be kept for one’s self and not others, lest you be disappointed always. Yet it is sad, considering how the daughter reached out to the mother in her own crises, only to be told the event wasn’t an emergency and to deal with it. The mother has also told the daughter they will be alone for the rest of her life, as she is disrespectful, yet the mother only cares enough when she can and expects the daughter to retain respect when they have been disrespected and put down most of their life.

I can be more specific if anyone is curious.

6 replies

It’s usually the fault of ego be it parents or children. What’s best is that children need to put away their ego in such times . Parents have already done enough for their children let alone bear them when it was the hardest now it’s our responsibilty to pay them back with same love even if things are hard for you.


Not to argue, but what exactly is owed back? He especially if they were neglected, in the eyes of therapists and other such professionals, who I now see due to traumas? Understandably a past can’t all be expelled in one text and can’t be fully understood without having witnessed. I know she’s said and done things that she doesn’t understand that hurts me, yet she says she loves me in her own way. Yet, will also say the therapy I need is a crutch because it gives me reason to be “disrespectful”. No, I think that they only decipher it this way, and whenever I try to reason why I would ever feel such ways towards her, that is anger, is because she never understood in the first place how she’s just me.

Yea, I have to deal with it. Yea I feel lonely, because you should trust your family, but they ultimately have hurt me first and far more than strangers have. I feel I must let it be known. It’s vindictive in retrospect, but I feel I have lost a whole past and soon a future, if this anger cannot be subsided, with the only thing I ever want m… understanding.


I didn’t understand the half of what you wrote , sorry for that. Having said that , I’m no longer able to comment on that , as you are already seeing a therapist.
All I would say is that we owe our life to our parents if nothing else and lot of things would get better if you just talked with your own kin and not strangers. ✌️


I don’t understand what the misunderstanding is. Language barrier? Even so I think the point of this site is to have conversations with strangers.


Need more context to understand all of it and yeah ik that this app is for talking to strangers. All i’m saying is that if you are already talking to a professional then why ask advice of strangers like me who are also self claimed therapists…It’s okay to share thoughts, but do it with someone more reliable person who you trust , who knows you and not some stranger.


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