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Physical HealthThought


Question for anyone who is a doctor or knows about this, so one of my ears feels blocked bc I’ve got a wax build-up( i know it’s wax cuz it happens often to me). I’m getting it removed as soon as i get home on friday, I already have an appoinment but tomorrow I have to fly (I’m not in my state rn) bc I know that flying with blocked ears when u have a cold or a sinus infection can make it much worst and be dangerous I was wondering If it’s the same thing when you’ve got wax in ur ear or if that has nothing to do with it. Anyone knows???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vibingvitamin
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @vibingvitamin

Just try dewax ear drops.


Why is it bad to fly with wax on my ear?? usually I just go to the doctor since I was told that was the best option idk I’m afraid of making it worst if I try anything on my own. Cuz like my ear doesn’t hurt or anything and usually, after going to the doctor I’m already completely fine so bc I don’t need anything else i¡ve never tried.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vibingvitamin

Pressure changes might give slight ear pain that’s why using ear plugs or ear phones can help during higher heights


yeah I know that, but my question is; will the fact that I have a wax build-up in my ear make the pain worst or not really? Thanks for mentioning that tho bc I hadn’t thought about it, usually the only thing I’d do is chew gum so I’ll keep it in mind for next time. I won’t wear headphones or put anything on my ear this time this bc that would only push the wax more into the year so it’s not good in this case lol.



Profile picture for Now&Me member @vibingvitamin

Nobody hear pushes ear plugs or ear pods near tympanic membrane like you think🤣.

Distance will be around 1 inch in human being.

Just look for any other symptoms than this ear wax :-))


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