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Probably the worst thing someone can ever tell me, and it is that, you are all skin and bones and so lean, what will a guy do with your body, as I am about to get married, and here I am questioning my body, and I am feeling so uncomfortable and scared now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @idkwhat2puthere
2 replies

Insecurities can hurt you only when you give the other person the power to exploit your insecurity. A hundred people with have a hundred different opinions, and you know what they say about opinions, it’s an assholes, everybody has one. Ignore them, you have important stuff happening, you are getting married! Congratulations and have a fun filled married life!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @idkwhat2puthere

✨Ash✨ @idkwhat2puthere

It’s the total opposite for me, as I am chubby yet tall. the last time I got body shamed is when I was in 2 grade when this short guy called me fat and then I look down at him and did the death stare at him. then he got completely scared because I was way bigger than him lol and he apologized. you have to grow your confidence so you can give them the same treatment they gave to you.


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