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Pretty down, my girl friend and I are in an open relationship, mostly do to the fact that she wants to explore and me willing to accept it because I love her. I just found out that she lied about a sexual encounter with others and I’m pretty heart broken about it. We’ve talked and she feels bad but i cant shake this empty feeling in my stomach. I want to make things work with her but I’m not sure how to move past this. Should I just go sleeping around ? Should I go explore as well ? I’m overwhelmed with emotions and I guess I found this site to help me vent a little.

5 replies

Hey trust your gut feelings they will never lie to you. If you’re feeling bad don’t do it otherwise you will regret. Give everything time everything will be okay. Take relationships serious because the lies, the disrespectful acts everything will effect your mental health just be careful. Best of luck


Honestly, I’ve been on both sides of this situation. I never actually had sex with anyone else but I did “emotionally cheat” I guess. We didn’t have an agreement that we could see other people or anything. You guys do but if you’re not feeling like you want to be with anyone else, don’t do it. As the person before commented, you will regret it. But also, don’t just go along with it because you love her. If she truly loves you, she will come to some compromise with you that suites both of you. You can’t be unhappy just so she can be. That’s not good for you nor your mental health. Now, the person I emotionally cheated on, we are back together but for the last six months we have been back together he has emotionally cheated on me the entire time but agreed at the beginning we were going to work through it. But it hasn’t been that way, its just been him throwing it in my face every chance he gets when i catch him talking to another female. My point is, if you agree to work it out and move past it, then do that. But I do suggest you take time to really think about it. If you don’t think you can get through it, then it is absolutely ok to walk away. You need to be happy too and deserve to be loved as much as you love.


You said that was an agreement about the relationship being open. That also includes sex with other people. If one of the sides asks to have an open relationship they are most likely curious, not sure about the current partner…but they might change their minds after having a few experiences. You either completely accept it and do something similar [not as revenge but because you feel you also need that and can’t be monogamous] or look for someone else that wants something more serious with you only.


Thanks everyone for giving your thoughts and points to the table, everything has helped tremendously I guess I’m not sure what I’m hurt by the fact that she had to lie about not sleeping with them when I asked in the beginning or the fact that she slept with others and I know that’s an insecurity that solely falls on me. I guess being in the open relationship there needs to be a level of trust and I felt like it was broken before we even got together. She slept with them on may 19th and we started dating may 25th. We been together unofficially though for about 7 years and made it official on the 25th.


This kind of relashionships never last for too long the most logical decision you can make is break up with her but the thing is that in love logic doesnt work so probably you will go back to her again and again and again and at the end you will be heartbroken and when your heart gets broken you need to get her out of your life bann her on facebook instagram and every other social media this is the only way to get pass this


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