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Poems pls

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somewhat a poem…

Months later, she can’t move on. Her heart aches as much as ever, her eyes are swollen and her hope is gone. She feels like they’re never going to see each other again. He was her happiness, and without him she can’t seem to smile anymore. He was her favorite part of her. She can’t move on without him. She wishes she can turn off her feelings and forget about him because everyday it’s getting harder and harder. She feels emmtionally tired and mentally weak. She just wants to feel safe again, in his arms. She wants to feel his warmness and love, but that love she fears that it’s not there anymore. When he left her, he took a part of her with him. She felt though as she was getting closer to moving on, but she rapidly started feeling sad and started thinking about him more than usual. She didn’t understand why she was feeling like this, if it was only suppose to get easier. But she now learned that as easier as it may seem, she’ll never completely move on from him. He was her first love, there’s no moving on from the first person you’ve first ever experienced love with. Although it ended, he taught her what love was, he showed her how a man should treat a women. By giving her flowers, showing her worth and giving her loyalty.


He was her 1st love , there’s no moving in from the first person you’ve first experienced love with … These lines 💫💫❤❤❤


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