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Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Leave have helped them as far as possible. Let them enjoy their life and you focus on your life and find new friends. Good luck

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sris

Srishti @sris

The best thing you should do is to just leave it. The other person don’t care about your emotions it seems and if they will come to you it will all them, you have done everything already so just leave it.


Probably was not into you or confused about your relationship. Sometimes things didn’t work as we want but it’s better to just go with the flaw. If u already consider her as your ex just move. There’s no need to clarify yourself either. You worth much better. It might be tough for you but you gotta do it for your sake. What’s the point of the relationship when other person don’t even want to clear their misunderstandings and just leave u like u were nothing ur feelings were nothing.


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