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3am ThoughtsThought


Please Tell me the tips to live alone and don’t get nervous and anxiety of being alone

10 replies

There are no such tips, it’s just a practice, which makes you good at living alone. Although you can make urself busy so that your mind doesn’t need anyone


For that you need to be focused I tend to think what my ex friend are doing and enjoying


Toh be focused. It’ll not come instant, you need to develop that spirit to stay alone all the time.


True , I will do the same thing then


Start going out alone, it’s working out for me well😂


Really ? Tbh solo dates are best dates


Yes but I’m not supporting zero friendship/relationship here we should have people by our side.
I do that bcz firstly I love being alone & second it helps me in reducing my dependency on the people.

Kiara @divine_room_3

True depencey and attachment is the worst thing , I am trying to be more independent now


Just don’t stress yourself ok.

Kiara @divine_room_3

I am trying not to


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