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Please tell me am I overreacting?
I am in LDR 3 months and little more. At the begining we talked much, audio, video, played online games together.
Lately, second and third month that became less, but at the same time he really had much work, and I understand that. Last few days storie goes the same… No single text for hours, no calls (some tehnical problem as he said), and still claims he loves me.
Sometimes I feel I am overreacting and toxic and sometimes I just think he ih not being honest to me. I am so confused.
For example he finished work today at 16:35, now is 22:00… No text since then. And I feel bad, unwanted. :(
What do you think? Should I have more understanding for him or just stop talking and everything and find someone who will give me attention and effort?? Sorry for bad English, it’s not my first language.

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