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Please somebody talk to me… I need a friend rn… I don’t have anything specific to talk about but I’m on the verge of loosing the person who is my crush since childhood and with whom I’m in relationship for 4 years now… The person is not cheating or something like that but due to some reason that I don’t feel comfortable to share we have to part our ways… Please somebody talk to me…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovelypluie
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
18 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user

nobody @n0_user

Yes Please


How are you?☺

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user

nobody @n0_user

Iam good hw abt u?


Better ☺


Hey it’s all gonna be okay… I’m here if you wanna talk about it


Heyooo. Where are you from?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovelypluie

Hyy talk to…me…i too dont have anyfrnd…
And a random move can make us frnds…may be!!


people won’t walk to u to be friends. u can’t get a friend just because YOU have a problem and need advice. it would be better not to do that because that’s not the only reason friends exist lol.
if u wanna make real friends maybe u should explore on ur own.
idk if you’ll understand or not but thanks for reading this shit anyways k bye :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

Bro. I know you’re right but it’s not true always. A good friend is the one who is always there for you whenever you need. Why we have started looking at our friends like a social asset we can use in a beneficial manner?
If someone is emotionally broken, why can’t we talk friendly even for a bit to make them feel social and heard? Don’t take it otherwise but maybe one day you will also need the same. Try to be real instead of being beneficial. Stay positive ✌🏻


True that !


eh i was referring to making friends in real life and not on online platforms like the one we’re using rn. lemme explain, imagine urself going to a complete group of strangers and asking them to be friends with u solely because u need mental health advice. unfortunately they’d think of u as a weirdo and wouldn’t want to talk with u. And that’s the truth believe it or not. but online it’s completely different lol, a person could be lying abt their identity and you’d be fooled by them (it’s an example). just like that u can confront ppl online; so yeah that’s what I was saying.
as much as i hate writing an counter argument, maybe u could think abt both the perspectives and see how different they are. talking abt emotional stuff takes time and a certain amount of trust between friends which is why ur the one who needs to explore. I hope u get it now?



Boomboo Mikaal @boom

Why do you need to break it up?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

If you just want someone to talk, you can always talk to me. I know sometimes it’s hard to stay in something even if we want to. Try to be calm and stay positive. Atleast have some positive thoughts into your mind. You need it alot.


Thank you buddy ☺

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