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Please motivate me to study. help me get my shit together. I just cant now😭😭😭😭

4 replies

Pooja @blub

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Start slow but do start.


Its been one month and I’m unable to start only. Every night I plan that from tomorrow I’m going to open my books and start but next day I have no motivation. I know that I only have to do everything and I’m just piling up work for myself and making it hard for me in the future but I don’t know why I just can’t gather the energy to start working😭😭😭😭


Talk to a friend or a family member who could help you study. It’s tough to back out from a study session if you have someone else.


Procrastination doesn’t mean being lazy or reluctant, but its a sign of fear of the outcome. You might feel scared about it, but it’s somehow within. Try and take a hot shower, grad some tea/coffee and sit, make a schedule, take small intervals, if possible study with some friends. Do not put so much pressure but also do not take it lightly. I believe you have the potential and you can make it work. Sending love ❤️


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