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Please help me out.I have been suffering through so much since last 2 years .people do not how are they affecting me.I live in a family where you have to be fully disciplined but my family members do not know I am not like them.They feel friendship is really very bad. I have a best friend who has been friends with me since last 2 years and my parents feel all my friends are destroying my life .I really d not understand in what way is she destroying my life.I know they love me but they are really bad at parenting. they feel beating and scolding are best solution for everything. They do not understand how do I feel being scolded everyday for the same thing(to break friendship).They do not understand that she is the only person to make me feel okay . My parents feel that she is the reason why we are having communication gap but unfortunately they do not see the kind of behaviour shown by them.
I just want to get away from them I am in class 11.Sometimes they become so rude that they are ready to break my leg with a stick.This happens nearly everyday.And on hearing my best friend’s name , they become so angry that I sometimes feel that they will beat me to death.This makes me feel that I should die rather than making people mad and getting their blood pressure high.Should I die? because I cannot handle this thing anymore especially from the people whom you never expect to behave in this manner

10 replies

Dying is never a solution.
I am 21 years old, a college student, and tbh my parents assume friends hinders my studies. Grades really matter and when I say grades, 9 SGPA and above are a must. I am hardly allowed outside (around 0.01% of the time I can step foot outside). I am quite an adult but I still have the family link installed in my phone with timings to ever app, I can’t use chrome or download anything without permission. My calls and everything gets recorded and my parents are ready to get me out of the college and married(because I am the daughter they are always talking about that). I have survived a convent hostel till class 10, been a prisoner at home for high school including the exclusive taunts and getting slapped if I said anything.
I am in college and I live within the premises and I don’t intend on stopping here. To live the independent life where my voice matters I have to get out of this and to be honest getting a job and moving out freely is the only option. I can’t run, can I?


thank you so much for motivating me…I think you suffer more than me…but can you tell me how do you bear this? do give me some opinions on how to bear such things


Being point-blank, I get very frustrated and I can’t particularly do much in this situation. I am working hard to get a life on my own right now, to have my privacy in my life. I lash out sometimes and sometimes I cry it out, write it down because I don’t have a choice till I walk out proudly.
The fact I have a boyfriend who understands my situation he handles me in my break down by making me imagine the future I am trying to build. I guess positivity at this point helps a lot.


die? never think of that ever in your life … just think this is the hard days for you which won’t last forever sure sun will rise in your life where you will be so happy feeling loving your life. I can feel it how hard it is but you have to keep moving forward and happy days will come where u can talk with ur friends as much u can.
Even u should express ur feeling and emotions to your parents may be they understand u. You have a bright future just hang it there, the sun will rise and will be there forever in your life.


thank you so much for soothing me…your words will help me…
but there is one thing whenever I try to talk to them they start making assumptions…no matter how hard I try they do not understand me


Hey, I totally feel you. I know what having strict parents can be like. Sometimes this generation gap won’t let them understand what “hanging out” means or what a mental health break is. But don’t give up. Having friends and people to talk to is more helpful than you think and you know what kind of friends you have and that they are not bad influences. But as you said, you know your parents love you. They just don’t see eye to eye with you. Talk to your friends. Try talking to your parents also. But don’t give up. Remember there are people out there who are eager to talk to you and whose days you brighten up. You have your whole life ahead of you. You’re gonna do great things, hang in there :)


thank you so much for your valuable words
but there is one thing I am not able to bear this anymore…it would be very nice of you to give me some suggestions on how to deal with it.
I cry almost everyday and this is taking too much of me…


When I’m feeling down and depressed I usually just write out my feelings in one go. I keep writing and then I rip the page out and throw it away. It makes me feel so much lighter. I also do simple things that make me happy like maybe watching a movie or watching my favorite show. Find some memories that bring you joy when you think of it. Just remember, you are almost going to be on your own two feet. Just a few more years.


I don’t know how should I thank you…for reading such a long story…I am sharing my problems for the first time and it feels really nice…thank you so much


Of course, anytime! :) Never hesitate to reach out and share your feelings. There are people who are always willing to listen.


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