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One Sided LoveThought


Pl help me get him out of my brain!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

If you promise you will not enlist his qualities/attributes over the conversation


It will be easy for you when you own down what all you did And in return what he did
When you are in one sided relationship na we are not able to figure out anything


We liked each other… but he never properly reciprocated for reasons unknown!


And now you both don’t talk at all or it feels weird to be the one always texting and calling ?


Yes… he doesnt correspond much as i do! I’m not the one usually who goes after ppl… bt this time, he is making me chase😒


There’s nothing to chase trust me
I too liked a girl and she meant the world to me I didn’t had courage to tell her directly but her close friend knew or had some idea she asked me everything and when I told her it became more worst I am not able to talk to her at all it has been one year and I still miss her a lot
When she left I started smoking and couldn’t quit till now I know what I am doing is wrong but I can’t help my self


But all this made me feel so inadequate… repeatedly questioning myself, why wasn’t i worthy of his love?


Same don’t blame yourself
You know I was like connected with it bat gril 5 to 6 hrs each day even she would call at night and slept while we were talking I didn’t hung up the call because when I used to hung up her mobile would vibrate sometimes she would wake up
I had all this bonding over calls then we started meeting it like some kind of fairy tale for me
But I lost her


Sorry for this! Why is this soo complicated?


Even I wonder why maybe it was to make us tough for future

But I promise I will be there for you I don’t want someone else to go though all the stuff like I went it’s kinda painful and only those can understand who went though something like this for others it like you are mad and all


I was okay in between… was able to bail out of his thoughts… but again fell into the same rut! I’m sure he is not into me as much as i’m. Where did all my self-respect go? Why am i still holding on to him? Waiting for his messages🥺


Because you emotion’s are pure there no motive behind it
But for him you are like any other friend

I know what I wrote would hurt you but that’s true

I had not talked to that girl since an year but we practiced buddies together and this time we were in the same meeting and she had to message me after an year because of that and it bought back all the old memories which I tried to forgot


Lil similar situation… connected back in the new year… he acts hot n cold… i was never important to him…


You should now just focus on yourself I know it’s difficult but you to have an image to mai to there’s no use to spoil all that because of someone who doesn’t cares at all
May you find someone who stand by you in ups and downs and would love and take care of you like you did for this person


Thanks a lot for this😀


I hope you feel a bit better now
Time heals everything 😇


Once i let him go, things will be lot saner! Much strength to me!


We can connect on Nowandme
It feels good after sharing
Maybe we could not find any solution but after sharing na it fells less complicated


Yes… a non-judgemental space is required to vent…


Yess there are something’s like these which you can’t share with friends too because they are like you are stupid or mad


And yea I would like to suggest you one thing stop listening to all the sad and romantic songs and watching that type of movie’s


I am gonna sleep now if you don’t mind can we connect in nowandme connections ?


Sure… do ping

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