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LostSoul @ratii12

People need to stop generalising cheating. The person cheating has fun but the person getting cheated on suffers. If you are not over your ex please don’t date anyone. I have been cheated on multiple times during the lockdown. It’s been 7 months but I still am not able to get my head over this. It still hurts and feels like it was just yesterday. Anyone here who went through the same thing ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25
61 replies

I don’t understand the concept as well. I’ve seen people who have been in love get married and only to cheat on their spouses few days into marriage…like if you knew you’re an asshole why did you marry and spoil and innocent girls life?

LostSoul @ratii12

So true. If they know commitment isn’t their thing why do they even fake it. Just break up and be with that other person.


I agree. They have plenty of people who are in same thinking…so anyway u don’t give Fs about the society…so just break it off and then go

Chris @boredaf123

People cheat coz they think it’s okay. Ppl like each other, they date and they get bored afterwards. To want thrill, they cheat. Instant chahiye sabkuch. Long term nahi dikhta logo ko. Commitment is a joke for them.

LostSoul @ratii12

Yes and for their thrill they hurt the other person. Have you been hurt ?

Chris @boredaf123

No . But I’ve seen it happen enough times.


You seem hurt though

LostSoul @ratii12

Okay I hope it never happens to you.


I also hope it never happens to you.

LostSoul @ratii12

Thank you so much ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25

Lim Ju Kyung @chaeum25

Me, even he cheated me many times, and same senario, same person… 3 yrs im suffer, giving him everyday a chance… And saw him everyday he cheated me. And now I’m done… He told me that he will not love me anymore… I give him 3yrs chance but still not working…

LostSoul @ratii12

Omg three years is such a long time. You are so strong. Are you fine now ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25

Lim Ju Kyung @chaeum25

Im a lier if i said im fine, today morning i cry and cry. And still now i cannot forgive myself that i give a chance for a long

LostSoul @ratii12

Don’t be hard on yourself for something that happened long ago. You are a nice person that’s why you gave him so many chances. He took you for granted. It’s his fault and not yours. It will be hard but I hope you move on asap.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25

Lim Ju Kyung @chaeum25

Thank you, i hope someday this will not a problem in trust. I dont know if i trust a guy again. Now im thinking to clean all of his stuff and starting a new life without him even this is hard i will try and start… im done for giving him a chance and im also very tried… im tried spying, hacking ang so on

LostSoul @ratii12

Yes start a new life. He does not deserve your kindness. It will be hard to trust again but eventually you will be able to trust again once you meet a nice guy. You are already so strong to come up with the thought of staring a new life. Just remember don’t rush and take baby steps.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25

Lim Ju Kyung @chaeum25

Thank u so much and you know what im new in this app but this is good to express at talk about feelings … thank u so much

LostSoul @ratii12

Thank you for being strong and sharing.


Never give a cheater a second chance


It might be hard at first. But the right person will help reassure you

LostSoul @ratii12


Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25

Lim Ju Kyung @chaeum25

I hope someday i found a person he will choose to be a right person for me

LostSoul @ratii12

I hope you find that person and stay happy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaeum25

Lim Ju Kyung @chaeum25

Thank you :)


I was with him for a whole two years, there were signs but I was blinded by love and ignored them. One fine day he chose to break up over a text because his family won’t approve of me because apparently, I wasn’t good looking. He confessed that he cheated on me multiple times during our long distance.

I mean if you don’t want to be with a person just talk it out, don’t play with the feelings. It is the violation of trust and the trauma that is crippling. Not everyone can recover with the after effects fast. They can be long lasting and leave you with self confidence issues. It has been almost 2 years since this nonsense and it still stings. Annddd guess what! He got engaged last week.
And here I am still dealing with self doubt and pulling myself out of the mess he created!

LostSoul @ratii12

Omg this is so bad. Why do looks matter ? Every person is beautiful in their own way. You are right people should communicate rather than cheat. I hope you get over it asap. Don’t worry karma will get him. Don’t get disheartened cause he got engaged. You will find a nice guy and the love that you are looking for soon.


Also, distract yourself. That person wronged you. He will be served. It is obvious to feel hurt but sometimes things happen to us to pave way for better and magical things. You will get better with time. Till then hold on and watch a series. It is a great distraction😅
Sending you strength and love.

LostSoul @ratii12

Thank you so much. Yes watching series is so good. I watch a lot of Kdramas. What type of series do you like ?


Oh good. I prefer Sci-fi, comedy, sitcoms, horror, thrillers.
Although I have heard about K-dramas. They raise your expectations of romance!
Is that so? 😅

LostSoul @ratii12

Yes they are very good. Not only romance they have a very good story in their dramas. You should give it a try.


Ok, I will.
Any suggestions?
I am currently binging on Hellbound on Netflix.

LostSoul @ratii12

Hell bound I still have to start. There are many good dramas.
Crash landing on you
The Goblin
It’s okay to not be okay.
What’s wrong with secretary Kim.
Now you suggest me something that you like.


Okay, thanks. I will start with one of these.

Lucifer - fantasy, comic, suspense and has a very different take on Heaven and Hell.

Squid game- dark and weird

I can suggest you a movie also. It is a gripping movie.
Searching on Netflix.

LostSoul @ratii12

I have watched lucifer and squid games both I liked a lot.



Have you also seen “You” on Netflix?

LostSoul @ratii12

No i haven’t watched you. What is the title of that movie ?


“You” is the name of series on Netflix.
It is has a very dark, thrilling take on love. It is a story about obsession on love.


Movie which I was telling earlier is named as “Searching”
It is available on Netflix.

LostSoul @ratii12

Okay I will watch it

LostSoul @ratii12

Okay will watch the movie first then the drama

LostSoul @ratii12

Thanks a lot


Yeah. Do that. I hope you like it!

Do let me know here


My pleasure.

LostSoul @ratii12


LostSoul @ratii12

I hope even you like Kdrama


I think I will.
I am too scared to watch romantic stuff, brings back memories.
But I am a love letters over texts person.
So I think, I will enjoy K-Drama.

LostSoul @ratii12

If it will bring back past memories then wait for sometime. Its always nice to meet people who are old school romantic.


Yeah. That is why holding on.

Oh a big time old school kinds.

LostSoul @ratii12

Same here even I am an old school romantic. You know I came across pictures and videos of my ex hooking up witb her ex. 10 months she cheated on me behind my back. Still like a stupid person I gave her a chance cause I thought she loved me.


It is not your fault yaar. You were in love.
I know how stupid this all feels. To let someone fool you, skip the signs and end up getting hurt.
But you were in love. So you are not a fool instead you are honest, loyal and sincere.

Take that with you in the future. This is who you are. A good person.

LostSoul @ratii12

Thanks a lot for your kind words. You know I was so broken and it was so hard for me to move on after watching crash landing on you and the goblin I felt I deserve better and someone nice. That’s when I started to move on a little and started to feel a lot better. Cause the love kdramas show is so pure and nice.


My pleasure yaar.
See, I told you na! They raise the bar!

Yes. You deserve all the love, respect and happiness.

LostSoul @ratii12

Yes they do raise the bar. Even you deserve all the love , happiness and respect. I hope you find that person soon.


You too! :)

LostSoul @ratii12

I watched searching and i liked it 💯


Good to know! 😃


No but hope not … Take care nd think it was fr good u let him or her go than whn it is too late…


I am not able to forget him and every memory of our together hurts!!


It will hurt a lot for now but time will heal things. It’s good you found out he is a cheater now before you gave him more of your life. Right now things will seem impossible and they will be pretty hard. Don’t stress too much. I am here to talk and help you get over this.


You Might Find Out Sooner That This Wasn’t The Relationship For You


Not only it breaks the trust of the significant other, but also everyone else in the society sees the person who cheats as a different person. People think that person is a bigot and not trustworthy. The fear of infidelity also shapes human behavior around the world. As time is progressing, people are becoming less committed to relationships because they are afraid that what if their partners cheat on them in a way setting their potential relationships up for failure before they even start. And individuals who are already in a relationship have a hard time trusting their partners.…


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