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Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon

Shri @bright_moon

People get attached to my life very quickly or we can say, get attracted. Because of Family issues, many wrong people come into life by showing false love. whether he is a friends or boyfriend, As I said, people in my life connect very quickly.My nature is to love everyone, but if you consider it as love then it is wrong, but I have kept these people as friends in my eyes.Some of these psychos fall into the loving type. Asking questions and answers even after being friends.Being elder in the family means taking responsibility. I am doing diploma after graduation. I was thinking of starting a side business but because of the psychos in my life, my business could not do well.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ @joker279


Listen ā€¦ donā€™t keep in touch with such psychos . It will ruin your career. I mean they are dangerous to your life . Even not in friend zone . Donā€™t trust anyone blindly. Responsibility is what you have so take steps with all your mind . Sometimes mind is important than the heart

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon

Shri @bright_moon


Rightā€¦ I am no longer connected to anyone nor do I feel like talking to anyone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ @joker279


Ok got it ā€¦
Thatā€™s very good you know .
I mean you should spend time with yourself so you will be more clear whom to accept in your life and whom to say tata tata bye bye lol
So just do that .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bright_moon

Shri @bright_moon




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