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3am ThoughtsThought


Pehle there was a time when I used to be so crazy about the feeling of love…having someone…experiencing that feeling inside me…becoming fearless in love to experience…being a giver in relationships…in all respect…trying to accept the other person…learning how to love…being ready to listen to my feelings and heart…on the slightest hint of it and taking it as a yes…then trying it all to make it work…to make it as my next forever…but every time I failed…may be the kind if the choice I made…the person that came in my life…don’t know more than the love they became my lessons even after trying to give them all…now when I feel those emotions…now when I read those line of becoming fearless in love…loving other person means coming closer to yourself…accepting the other means accepting oneself…and blah blah…it feels like it’s a far fetched things…now it feels like if I will do…ill pretend …or I don’t know maybe something more is love…which is left unexplored…still unknown…or maybe the best is to love oneself…but yes loving oneself can’t end…it doesn’t mean…if someone comes in your life then you stop loving yourself and that person becomes all the source of love for you …if so then its problematic…then you are abandoning yourself and losing yourself to just get drowned in deep waterways …where you have to again go through the process of loving yourself inorder to come back to the shores…so its important to also be on the shores but also being able to dip in those water and thet even without any safety yet having that feeling known to your guts that you will be on the shores safe healthy loving even if the fark yet blueish warmth of the water vanishes someday…!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sreejit
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sreejit

SREE @sreejit

It’s nicely said👏👏👏




Welcome dude


Same happened with me, but what i figured out was, if you give way too more effort then the other person, then most of the time other person start taking you for granted.


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