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peace in the middle of chaos…. not sure I have mastered the resistance or still figuring it out… Im here to protect my lost inner child…

28 replies

Hi! how are you?


Im ok. Thanks for asking


What do you think you are resisting against?


“the forever chaos”


I meant specifically 😅😂




Well a few days ago even I tried to commit su**de so can relate. What is the first reason which will come to your mind if I asked why you feel that way?


hopelessness … i think i have tried enough… struggled enough… i dont find a reason to live.


Me too 😔 It’s like there is no option but to live on right?


for me… why should I live? There is nothing I can enjoy… i did try feeling positive and all… deep down i have caught up with melancholy.


What situation makes you sad? Or maybe what people?

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what makes u feel this way?


I know which people, situation, or reasons or atleast have an idea what makes me feel the way I feel. Moreover this is about you. I am making efforts to ask you and expect you don’t give me absurd answers anymore 😅


Im not a pro here. I just started using this from yesterday. Just curious of how this works! And by asking u a question back is my being kind gesture😀


You don’t seem to be in a good mental health so it’s fine. Thanks for asking though. Welcome to this platform! So your story?


abusive environment for a long time… around with self centered relatives , friends and family… acc to them im too sensitive, i over react, the blame is always on me and im tired of being in this… situations is not allowing me to heal… im clueless of what to do.


I am sorry you had to go through this alone. It must be very hard for you. May I ask what do you mean by abusive environment?


combination of narcissism-parents being manipulative,lot of domination, suppressed by gender discrimination,not given equal
opportunities, always asked to suppress… never allowed to express… eventually thats become my personality… and now i have come to a point where i think all human beings are disappointing…


And that’s why you don’t want to suffer this anymore? It’s a good thing that at least you tried to reach out to people. It does show that you want to survive anyways. You know the same thing happened with me. I came to this platform because of almost the same reasons.
I don’t know what you are going through but I am sorry you had to go through that. It must be very hard for you. But rest assured there are people who are willing to help you one way or the other 😌
So any plans for today?

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author
This thought has been deleted by the thought author

thanks for ur kind words… its rare to reach out to someone who is suffering. Thanks for being there in this phase. Yes like u correctly mentioned… i have lost hope in living a life… like i keep asking myself “ whats the point”?


Ohh shit I was thinking why didn’t you reply I thought you ghosted 😅😂😂 (because you didn’t reply to my comment so I didn’t get notified)


No problem. I know it’s hard for all of us but it doesn’t make your sadness small. Everyone’s feelings are valid. By the way I am theradthoughts on ig if you wanna connect. In this kind of world I know it’s very hard to find positivity but yeah you can talk to some people to feel a little better.


i still dont know who this works… where to reply and all, consider me as an amateur…too old for this modern illusionary matrix world😄😃


It’s not that big a deal 😅 Even I do that sometimes by mistake


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