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Profile picture for Now&Me member @swathi_ashok

Swathi A. @swathi_ashok


Parenting like any other phase of life is not perfect… We also learn as parents… We also make mistakes… Parenting is a phase when the layers of our perfection start fading…

As parents we learn and unlearn a few things… It’s quite normal to feel baffled and overwhelmed sometimes… There are four basic types of parenting…

The Authoritative type is an ideal one with emotional understanding and limits…
Authoritarian type or strict parenting… this isn’t successful…
Permissive type or over parenting…
Neglectful type or being indifferent to the child…

Authoritative is the ideal one and neglectful is the unhealthy one… sometimes we are a mix of all the types…

Let’s not feel guilty about the past mistakes and try to be better parents…

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