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Profile picture for Now&Me member @starkwolf_girl

aarya stark @starkwolf_gi...

One top most secret of life is
Feel your soul, and always try something challenging which boosts your soul to become greater and greater every next moment,

Because krishna sais nothing is permanent except your soul so take care of your soul 😇🎉🥂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts
Profile picture for Now&Me member @zx
Profile picture for Now&Me member @starkwolf_girl
9 replies

How tf are we suppose to do that! In this toxic world

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starkwolf_girl

aarya stark @starkwolf_gi...

I was thinking same thing
But once I tried to connect with it by meditation as i don’t trust anyone so i didn’t join any organisation but i tried brahmakumaris application in my phone which guides me for proper meditation
It’s so relaxing, i was able to feel each every moment of my inner structure


Well all I do is travel when u get stressed

SAMIR AHIR @alonewolf

Krishna said So Many About Life And How We Should live our life. But sometimes we just can’t understand what we are doing and why , what’s the meaning of this life and us . Always listen to your heart because it’s the place where Krishna lives


That’s the thing i want to say
First connect with your heart properly
So that you can here the voice of it


Love to all

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

Aarya following Krishna is just amazing and yes soul grows from embodiment to embodiment, through the choice of karma which can boost the soul to attain heights of best kind to some who brings the soul to engraving level. Curious to know what kind of challenges you have gone through so far to reach this beautiful quote of wisdom.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @zx

StUnNiNg @zx

Maybe even the soul is also temporary buddy.
Just move with your lovely flow get something makes u happy & make happy…


Can i ask u one qus?


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