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3am ThoughtsThought


One thing you’ve wanted to say but always worried about being judged …
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People hates facing situations like this, and it’s actually mentally abnormal

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Not facing situations and not being honest and truthful is a sign that someone’s not mentally strong. So the problem is in them, not you.

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I’m demisexual, my partner knows that, but he donno that I can get attracted to girls to, if I can emotionally connect. He’s a bit possessive, but he never acts like that with my girl friends 😂 but the fact is, I got really attracted to some girls, when I was in school, but that time I didn’t know that I’m demisexual, I just thought that I’m being awkward, and yeah I couldn’t control that increased heartbeat whenever they talked with me or something. I think I can never tell anyone about this, that I’m bi demisexual, but that’s it.


I am irritated by people using their skills as a roaster on this platform, being mean to others over here for fun. I wish the team gives severe warnings to these people.


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