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Profile picture for Now&Me member @xxsilvershad4724xx

On Monday, I told my counselor that I was cutting. I told her that I didn’t want mom to know, but she made me tell her anyways because she thought that if I didn’t tell her, then mom would find out on her own and it would be much worse than it should be. My mom found out later that day and she blames it on my boyfriend because she says my behaviour didn’t start til I started dating him. She broke us up that day and I asked if he and I could till be friends, which she said yes to. Later that night, Jake had told her how I had tried bribing him to let me go and meet up with my boyfeiend, which was true, and I got in huge trouble for that, so now me and my boyfriend can’t chat anymore. Bad thing is, I’m still talking to him and she doesn’t know it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @xxsilvershad4724xx
3 replies

what do you do all day as in you have job or you’re a student, I means if can engage yourself in something that would be great help to divert your mind, I know you feel like fed up of things around you but you know have some goals set for you be ambitious that will help you to divert because that is what my counsellor told me when I had suicidal thoughts or self harm thoughts soon after my girlfriend died cause of cancer and guess what I did it like I came over it by focusing on what I want from my life and yes I love my life and I want to live for 10000000000 years

Profile picture for Now&Me member @xxsilvershad4724xx

I’m still in my thoughts. He and I can’t talk to each other at all, so I have to text him secretly on a different device. I really miss him, and it’s not like I have any one else to talk to about it because they would all tell my mom or counselor. So I have to keep everything to myself now. I want to live, but I feel like the world doesn’t want me here, so I just keep getting in my thoughts thinking it’s better if I just die.


That is the reason why you’re here right ? You don’t want your mom to know completely fine!
Whatever you feel just talk about that here but please stop cutting yourself buddy, whenever you feel like doing that just talk about that here
Because look world is not that small how much you think!
Maybe you need to be around different people right now who would understand and treat you better soo talk out here


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