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Aanchal @aanchalchauhan

On july 9 , I experienced what losing someone you love to death feels . I lost my dog - Chloe , thats what I named him on 9 july 2018 . It took me a while to accept that he is no more with me .But what felt worse and still feels that I was not able to kiss him the last goodbye .I loved him and I still do and he ll always remain alive in my memories ,always be my happy place.

2 replies

Rashmi @rashmimalhotra


I know how it feels. Hope you are okay now .


i know how this feels, recently lost my kitten from a roadkill, I hated it, I hated myself, I know the only way is to move forward but its hard to move on when all in youโ€™re mind is the memories of your pet whom you lostโ€ฆ i hate it


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