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Physical HealthThought


Omg stressddrtt i wanna punch air rn
Idk wether ill go to school i have wrong medical certif just to go to school but im not really ok i cant with this, i will force to feel ok in school when im not i cannottttt

Can i just have a healthy body !! Whyyy 😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @puresilence
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @puresilence

rajeev @puresilence

You can hv all that wht u desire…but first calm down a bit. Take each moment at a time and see where things are going wrong…were you worried about ur certificate and did it made in such a way now… but there is always a way out. So be easy on urself first.


Calm down you’re alive and you have time you’re not running out of time just sit take a deep breath after have some rest do whatever you want but when you’re ready. Right now you need rest……


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