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3am ThoughtsThought


OMG, our convo was going so smooth and she went offline out of nowhere UGHHHHH(on BMBL)

now I’m feeling little despo to talk to her(I was actually enjoying talking to her)

thak gya hu vro wait karte karte

4 replies

Cool bro, I tried getting some but I didn’t till now. Maybe my profile is shit 🥲
Nobody wants to talk to me 🥲🥲🥲


do not find someone on a dating app to date, you will only find disappointment. just go and talk to people in your community(discord), college or whereever, dating apps are jsut for timepass, its very very very rare u will get someone for serious


Bro college students or batchmates judge you, no one wants that. That’s why I try to make friends through these apps


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