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Ok!!So thereā€™s a guy we started talking recently and he confessed to me. The thing is talking to him was really fun in early days but now he acts as if he wants to control my life or something. He keeps calling and texting me whole day even when I donā€™t want to talk to him. He is always like where are you just send me a text or call me for a minute to tell me where are you ,what are you doing and stuff like that. It is really annoying. Even when I said respect my personal space and time he is like I want to talk to you ā€¦call meā€¦ text meā€¦ I never promised anything to him and he is always like donā€™t leave me and stuff. Idk what to doā€¦It is so sick and I am actually so sad and frustrated. Even when I clarified to him I donā€™t wanna talk to him he is sending voice notes of him crying and asking me to call. He is like I am not well donā€™t leave me and stuff.
This is so annoying . šŸ˜£

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lowkeykk
2 replies

I have experienced the same thing and trust me he will slowly disturb your mental well being. My friend also advised me to block him but I didnā€™t just because he used be so emotional and said things like donā€™t leave, I am not well, if you will go then what will happen to me even though he was just my old and long lost classmate. What I advise you to avoid him as much as possible. Focus on your mental health. Reply him if you really wanna talk to him otherwise block him.
Do the thing that is good for you.


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