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3am ThoughtsThought


Okayy so tell me what to do
When I was 15 i had a boyfriend and that relationship had many break ups and patch ups and lasted a year and ended in a final break up
Ever since then i never had real feelings for anyone…i didn’t even had crush and i have been in relationships but without any true feelings and i also have trouble with people sometimes…like i find my own cousin sister and bff annoying when they have trouble with same boys again and again…but i cant tell them that
Everything has been annoying since then I guess
PS. I am 19 now so please dn judge🤧

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mann1317
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mann1317

Mann @mann1317

Do what u want to do others opinions doesn’t matter its all about ur happiness

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin

Ruskin @ruskin

That’s because you haven’t listed out what you are looking for(the basic idea of your type of connection)…and if talk about that one time real feeling That’s because of the comfortness with him…and after then you haven’t been comfortable with anyone like that…you might have something related to him which you always kept inside you…


Like connecting with someone where you it’s something special of sort or atleast having interest in life of people close to me…and it was real feeling but tbh looking back it was a relationship where he was ideal type for 2 months and rest it was me raped around him…i was young I gues
Thanks for sharing thoughts :-)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin

Ruskin @ruskin

life’s shit! gotta accept this,
The reason you were unable to find what you are looking for is, you never came out from that trauma…you need to trust some things again from the beginnings otherwise zinda to hain hi…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin

Ruskin @ruskin

stay strong buddy🍺
Try finding the ways out


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